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Anastasia - Journey to the past (FINNISH COVER)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: oona
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 7 January 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 10 November 2016

Tags: music


Hello wow Oona is uploading something?? Trump is the president?? I know I'm surprised and confused too

LMAO it's been 9 months... A lot has happened, I graduated with pretty shitty grades tbh and didn't get into uni but that's ok, now I'm just working away, saving up money and chilling. I've been """working on""" so many projects but haven't finished anything so that's why I've been so quiet. Also I feel like the fandubbing community and "my generation" of it has been pretty quiet too so not having that has been kinda killing the inspiration too I guess??

I've been working on a lot more kpop covers this year but since they're 10 times harder to execute than Disney covers and I'm a hopeless perfectionist and a shitty mixer I haven't really gotten anywhere with it. But that's ok too, I'll get there eventually or like any day now when I actually manage to record lines to one of my hundreds of drafts...

I don't really know what to do with this channel tbh but that's ok too, it's not that big of a deal but like I'm sorry to anyone who expects the content I used to do 3 years ago and I'm also sorry to new subscribers who have no idea what's going on.

OK onto the cover itself!! This is such a fun songggg I've done a few covers of it in the past and published at least one? I've had a rougher version of this sitting in my video editing program (((iMovie)))) for like a year now so I've been wanting to finish this for a while. Classical songs are sooo much easier to sing hhh it's like back to riding a bike after trying to ride a motorcycle while juggling blindfolded which is Actually what it's like for me to do kpop covers hahah. So yeah I definitely enjoyed this, it was easy and fun and nostalgic! I feel like I can reassure myself with doing covers like this that are so in my comfort zone that I actually have some skills so that's nice and uplifting sometimes.

I can definitely see how my voice has changed during all these years, I used to be able to sing most of the notes during the first part with my normal register, now I have to sing half of it with my higher register which I'm kind uncomfortable with... I mean it doesn't sound bad right now, but especially during recording it sounds really ugly to me, it just highlights all of the tones of my voice that I dislike lmao. The second half and the ending could’ve been more neater but it is what it is I only sang a couple of takes bc it was getting pretty late.

But anyway yeah I hope you're all doing good! See you soon hopefully.

- Oona

PS. I hate my life YT blocked this worldwide so I had to change into another instrumental which took me like extra 30 minutes of tweaking.

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