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Reply to Abraham Hicks - Thought , source , the physical reality

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Ann
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 17 February 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 10 May 2012



We are not only responsible for our own "reality". Our reality is a shared reality where our every day lifes have an impact on the whole. Our system is a DELIBERATE creation, currently to do what is not best for all. It is easy for someone in a comfortable position to strive to feel good all the time, and be just fine with "reality", saying that it doesn't happen. It is much harder for those who are in poverty, starvation, cages, child soldiers, forced prostitutes etc... There are people in this world who are programmed to abuse (which we all do in one way or another, directly or indirectly), they wont just stop. It makes it even easier when you have a middle class that sits back in their comfort and is only concerned with their own self-intrest, believing in the illusion of "the physical".
Funny thing is, your still going to have to function in the physical until you die. Cloth, bath, clip toenails, have money to buy food, water, get a job, talk etc... Who we are is important, and finding out why we are who we are, and re-allign it to what is best for all = which includes taking resonsibility for the fucked up system we created, not hidding in thoughts, but standing together to create a solution for all.

For stopping the abuse inside us http://www.desteni.org
And outside us: http://www.equalmoney.org
News on the world: http://www.earthreview.eu

Follow our blogs at: http://www.reddit.com/r/journeytolife/new/

We are unraveling the posibilities of who and what we can be and become once that we step out of our limitations and power games that we have used to stick to an 'ideal' that is based on creating yet another personality based on the 'value' that we give to such ideal in our own minds. Life cannot be compared and we are yet to find out what living in and as actual Self Expression actually entails.
Our world is a reflection of the eternal comparison and ego-tripping battles that lead to the idea of value over something or someone in this reality. We must STOP this mechanism within ourselves to effectively stop the world system from existing in the same mechanism.

Check out the Destonian Wiki for more Life-supportive definitions and explanations about this world and reality

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