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Alexander the Swell's April Fools' 2013

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Alexander the Swell
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 27 March 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 1 April 2013



To address something people were assuming, this video wasn't supposed to be a jab at Egoraptor's lack of content recently. I have nothing but respect for the guy and starting animation myself, I'm one of the last people that would criticize an animator for not releasing stuff consistently. Animation is extremely time consuming, especially if you're one guy. Ignorant viewers assume the lack of content is due to laziness, and don't understand what things are like behind the scenes. The creation process for this video was as follows: I came up with the idea for this joke "Let's Play". That led to the idea of parodying the Game Grumps intro, and eventually, I decided to release it as an April Fools' video. The idea of tying it in with the cartoon I was doing at the time was a last minute thing. At no point did Egoraptor's release schedule cross my mind. I can understand how people assumed that (especially with parody of the Game Grumps intro), but I assure you, that's not the case.

This was my April Fools' gag for 2013. It was meant to trick people into thinking I uploaded a new cartoon, then it abruptly cuts to something else. That's the joke. Apparently, that was too hard for some people to follow. Days after April Fools' Day had passed, I added "April Fools' 2013" to the title to clarify to people late to the party, that may be watching later down the road that this was intended to be an April Fools' joke for 2013. I didn't include any mention of April Fools' Day in the title when I initially uploaded this like some people are thinking. That would be stupid. Just because you may have discovered this video after April 1st, doesn't change what it was supposed to be. Now I feel as if I wasted my time typing this, because nobody fucking reads this shit, even though nine times out of ten it answers the questions they ask before thinking.

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