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A Hypnospace Outlaw Interview, but with Shitty Audio

Uploaded to YouTube by: Super Bunnyhop
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 16 January 2024
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 3 May 2019



Hypnospace Outlaw is one of my favorite games of the year so far in a year where there's already a lot of good ones.
If you like shitty old Internet websites and neo-surrealist humor, buy it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/844590/Hypnospace_Outlaw/

01:06 "Why?"
02:09 ""Are conventional game interfaces something people are finding less appealing now?"
03:44 "In terms of influence, was there any one particular relic of the old internet that took precendce over the others?"
05:20 "Was fan-submitted content a planned part of the development, or something that came along as the project progressed?"
07:33 "Was there a discernable difference in fan reactions by the age demographic, their "generation?" Kids who weren't around for the late 90's, do they get these jokes?"
08:37 "Tim and Eric, Eric Andre, were they inspirations? What about dadaism and absurdism in general, if we go even further back?"
10:31 "When making this unconventionally-told story, where charachters develop and dialogue all off-camera, what models and archetypes did you use to help write it? "
11:56 "Why is the band called "Seepage?""
14:52 "Did you have any trepidation, or apprehension, about making fun of something in our society that many would argue has gone terribly, violently wrong? Especially since many of the charachters are children?"

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