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{I Miss You} By Thomas Schoenberger

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Sophia Musik
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 June 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 26 October 2013

Tags: music, orchestra, classical music


Taken from a supposed fragment of a Beethoven love letter to his "immortal beloved", the woman he called his soul mate, and who declared him to be her soul mate, sadly, after he had died.
The music explains what it is like to be a composer silenced in word, and left only to communicate in music.The hope is that love cannot be replaced by hate, and that in time, the love once shared can return, healthier and stronger than before. There is nothing more painful than the estrangement of two soul mates. The interference of others determined to keep true love in shambles. But LOVE does conquer all. I believe this. The message is that we must try and build bridges,not walls. All things broken can be repaired.Love, even love that has endured so much pain and alienation, can and will conquer all obstacles...
The composer writes..So my Judas, the one who has listened to the whispers of her friends, and taken that 30 pieces of silver, and sent the sentries to arrest me, to persecute me, to mock me.. What did I do to deserve this? When you were hungry, I fed you.When you were sad, I held you. What were my faults? To threaten and cajole like a Sunday morning pastor? Yes. I admit that . It was foolish.But you, who sends the sentries to torture me, now finds the sentries were not looking to protect you, they do not care. Put away your noose my Judas

Powerful words, written by a man who was mocked, ridiculed, forgotten, but soon remembered, admired, worshiped, by millions.Someone alone can sometimes move everyone.
You've seen it too many times before. Someone is afraid, untethered or just upset about something that happened long before you walked into the room. Unbridled agita is dumped on you, spittle flying, eyes wide, personal invective unfiltered. Just feet away, the angry person is saying, "here," and dumping vitriol in your direction.

All connection gets severed, any chance for positive engagement seems long gone. The opportunity, it seems, is to pick up some of that anger and throw it right back, where it came from.

And now, of course, both of you are having a bad day.

Shared anger destroys trust. It eliminates dialogue. It activates the lizard brain of everyone within earshot, and produces nothing of value.

No credit goes to the person who vents, who opens his spleen and shares his anger. No points for bravery or honesty or getting in touch with his feelings. Anger shared is not anger ameliorated.

Talk about it, don't talk with it. Point it out, and then leave it there, on the floor, where, unengaged, the anger can't help but wither and die.

I wrote this string arrangement years back for someone. It now goes to the ears of the planet

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