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Sexless Japan - Zeplin in Tokyo #72

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Uploaded to YouTube by: TokyoZeplin
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 10 April 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 March 2011

Tags: Japan, social issues


Sexless Japan, or "japon sexless" as some I see say, that's amazingly a term and headline that you see every now and then these days. Basically, Japanese people aren't heaving sex anymore. Well, that's obviously an exaggeration, but 77% of "new adults" (people recently turned 20) in Japan have no partner, 50% of married couples are "sexless" (no sex for 3 or more months), and one third of young males "detest or have no interest in" sex.

The Japanese population is one of the fastest ageing in the world, and estimates show that if Japan doesn't change it's course, it's population will diminish with almost 30 million (around 20%) by 2050.

Today, my thoughts also go out to the victims of today's earthquake in Japan and Tokyo, and it's following tsunami.

Links to the surveys mentioned:
77% of new adults have no partner: http://sankei.jp.msn.com/feature/shinseikatsu2011/news/110305/nlf11030510310001-n1.htm
One third of males hate sex: http://blog.livedoor.jp/dqnplus/archives/1586697.html
Durex: http://www.durex.com/en-us/sexualwellbeingsurvey/fequency%20of%20sex/Pages/default.aspx

More oh the herbivore men:

Wiki on Japans ageing population:

Ambient Drone - Alt Track

General info:
My channel, TokyoZeplin, focuses on my experiences as a gaijin, a foreigner, living (or lived as of now) in Tokyo, Japan. While a lot of my videos are not facts about Japan, but rather my personal experiences in Japan, mostly Tokyo, a few of them do pop up. My topics range from prostitution in Japan, Japanese porn (no, not really), womens rights in Japan, working conditions in Tokyo, japanese hostesses and their culture, japanese history and culture in general, and much more. Now and then I help people learn japanese, especially japanese slang, though not a lot since there are a lot of tools for learn japanese online. But since I rarely went outside Tokyo, this is really mostly about Tokyo Japan, as my name indicates.

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