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HouGANG : The Movie - Official Teaser (2007) - Banned in Singapore

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Uploaded to YouTube by: MickeyToss
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 5 March 2007



The official teaser/trailer for the Singapore independent movie "HouGang", that was originally planned for a local release on 29th January 2007.

Plot: (*SPOILERS*)
HouGANG, also known as "Hao Gang" (a pun on "Good Gangsters"), is a 2007 Singaporean film about adult gangsters in the North-Eastern Singapore surburbs of Hougang. Directed by an unknown filmmaker 'Bruise' Lim, the film failed to find any publishers and thus was not featured and screened across Asia, as originally planned. It also starred unknown actors Gan Siang Hui and Stanley.

The film stars 3 real-life juvenile nerds, aged 15, and 3 real-life adults, each in a different social setting - School, Military and Corporate. Due to heavy censorship laws and the government's "Speak Good English" campaign, the film gives an insincere and inaccurate depiction of Chinese traditional gang-life in the Singapore suburbs. Rather than scripting the movie properly or employing professional actors, the director attempted to capture the troubled and perverse lives of his characters in cinema verite fashion.

HouGang was in Singapore even after 815 cuts to the film and the board of censors later ruled that the film should be rated PG or it may not be released in theaters. Opposition was also raised against the heavy use of the Hokkien language in the film, which is discouraged by the Singapore government in favor of Mandarin and English. These restrictions infuriated the unofficial sponsor MickeyToss, and would later lead him to create his satirical and budget short film version, which till this day is not released yet. HouGANG the movie is currently still banned in Singapore. Only this trailer has been allowed by MDA (Media Development Authourity) of Singapore to to be uploaded on YouTube.

-The Movie has been advertised outside of Singapore, primarily through the new media that is YouTube. This is widely regarded by critics to be an act of defiance and disrespect for social norms and Singapore media laws.
-Stanley, had smoked 3 packs of cigarettes (60 sticks) within 2 days of filming due to stress. MickeyToss had secretly filmed the crew and talents while filming and had made it into "The Making of HouGang", a 14-part series documentary. Till today, most of them are YouTube's least rated, least commented and least viewed videos, and they are private videos on YouTube which you can't find by searching.
-It is not known if MickeyToss is still in discussion with the authorities to get permission to post the entire movie on YouTube.
-The 93 minute movie was made with a budget of S$ 43.85 and the crew only consisted of 7 students.
-This trailer was made by Chief Editor, Miss Heather Tan aka ''HairDuh'' , who has since left Singapore and is now in London.

Information accurate as of 05 March 07, 21.37 hrs.

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