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(user) results for Dootle

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Failed Clips - I'm still upset that there was no fourth on the Fallen L11 clip. I threw in the turn ons and pred missile clip because why not? Hope you enjoy. Failed Clips
by Dootle
I'm still upset that there was no fourth on the Fallen L11 clip. I threw in the turn ons and pred missile clip because why not? Hope you enjoy.
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 30 Sep 2015
No Scope Challenge - Hope you guys enjoyed. I don't think this has been done before. Let me know if you guys want me to try this again! No Scope Challenge
by Dootle
Hope you guys enjoyed. I don't think this has been done before. Let me know if you guys want me to try this again!
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 29 Sep 2015
WTFFA #2 (MSMC & Iron Sight) - What should I play for tomorrow's video? Hope you enjoy. WTFFA #2 (MSMC & Iron Sight)
by Dootle
What should I play for tomorrow's video? Hope you enjoy.
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 28 Sep 2015
Live Iron Sight #5 - Short and sweet! I hope you guys enjoy. Sorry I'm uploading so late, I have to keep the streak going though. Mw2, mw3, or bo2 WTFFA tomorrow? Live Iron Sight #5
by Dootle
Short and sweet! I hope you guys enjoy. Sorry I'm uploading so late, I have to keep the streak going though. Mw2, mw3, or bo2 WTFFA tomorrow?
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 27 Sep 2015
WTFFA - Series I thought I would try out. Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy. WTFFA
by Dootle
Series I thought I would try out. Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 26 Sep 2015
Montage Talk - Montage Talk Montage Talk
by Dootle
Montage Talk
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 25 Sep 2015
Live Iron Sight #4 - Like for more Live Iron Sight videos. I think this is one of the most liked "series" on my channel. Hope you enjoy. Live Iron Sight #4
by Dootle
Like for more Live Iron Sight videos. I think this is one of the most liked "series" on my channel. Hope you enjoy.
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 24 Sep 2015
Good Times - Sorry about the late upload today, my sleep schedule is absolute shit again. Live Iron Sight tomorrow or do you guys want something different? Hope you enjoy. Good Times
by Dootle
Sorry about the late upload today, my sleep schedule is absolute shit again. Live Iron Sight tomorrow or do you guys want something different? Hope you enjoy.
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 23 Sep 2015
by Dootle
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 22 Sep 2015
Answering your questions! - Premier wouldn't let me crop the tweets out properly but I tried to do the best I could. Would you like me to do more Q&A's in the future? Hope you enjoy. Answering your questions!
by Dootle
Premier wouldn't let me crop the tweets out properly but I tried to do the best I could. Would you like me to do more Q&A's in the future? Hope you enjoy.
Date submitted: 8 Apr 2018
YouTube date: 21 Sep 2015

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